My Story Part 1

2 min readFeb 4, 2021

I didn’t have a normal childhood, some may say horrific or displeasing but I didn’t know any better. When I was young waking up in the middle of the night to find myself alone with my younger brother was normal. I was forced to be independent at a young age which comes with it’s flaws of course but when you’re young it’s exciting doing ‘big girl’ things. Like making your own dinner, being in charge of your own sleep schedule or grabbing that toy off the shelf and hiding it under some other items in the trolley because mum said so. Young minds are manipulated easily. Too young to use a stove but I knew how a microwave worked. From takeaway nights to noodles served way after my bedtime. It’s every kid’s dream to have no rules, to do as you please. I didn’t realise how much damage that caused until now. I’m 17 years old and have never been disciplined, I’m a good kid I always was but my mother never saw that.
You could say we were neglected but there were times where she chose to be a mother, but only when she felt like it. I am extremely lucky to of had a roof over my head, food to eat and a mother and father that loved me don’t get me wrong but my brother and I were mentally abused not until now did I discover that. My brother and I come from different fathers, his up and left a few years after he was born for some good reasons but mostly just plain old selfishness. My father was my only escape, although my mother only spoke badly of him I didn’t believe too much of what she said until I became more gullible as years went by. My father was someone who got me out of that house and took me on adventures I was always smiling and happy to be out in the open.

